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Trans Envy

Trans Envy


Visual 8/10

Trans Envy are a member of the Penis Envy family and therefore are a favorite amongst those that love a visual experience of tracers and shine


Physical 8.5/10

Trans Envy mushrooms are known to make proveyeurs feel like moving their body. For a night of dancing or movement Trans Envy are a great option.


Spiritual 7.5/10

Trans Envy can help you achieve a feeling of creative and emotional freedom previosuly unattained. Reports of forgiving others after many years, moving on from traumatic events and getting over addicitions are some of the revelations reported from these mushrooms


Mood 9/10

Feelings of joy, freedom, excitment and love are to be expected


Overall Potency 8/10

A well balanced option and  really good for those looking to go out and have a good time.


Duration 3 - 6 hours

This can vary greatly depending on the experience level and body makeup of the individual taking the mushrooms.


It's crucial to emphasize that the effects of any psychedelic substance can vary significantly from person to person and are highly influenced by factors such as set (mindset) and setting (environment). Always approach the use of psychedelic substances with caution, responsible planning, and a knowledgeable, supportive environment.

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